Monday 18 March 2013

Save Your Time Using ActiveWords

Save Your Time Using ActiveWords.

ActiveWords is user interface technology that adds a simple and powerful attribute to Windows®, it turns words into actions. Type, ink, or select any words in any context at any time, and be directly connected with services you relate to the meaning of those words. For example, trigger the word "weather" and a web page showing your current local weather appears. ActiveWords allows you to leverage your vocabulary and innate naming ability to get what you want instantly.

And you listen what people say about "ActiveWords"

"I can't imagine not having ActiveWords on my computer. Our business is all about productivity, and ActiveWords is one tool that helps me be incredibly productive. Going back to the 'old way' would be like asking me to go back to using a typewriter.  The time savings of this software pays for itself over and over again."

"ActiveWords will change your life forever. It will allow you to use 'your' language to communicate with your computer. Lawyers use words that only lawyers understand (hence, a 'depo' to a lawyer means a meeting wherein he or she will be taking the testimony of a person under oath in trial preparation), yet when a gynecologist uses the word "depo" he or she means a shot given to women for birth control. ActiveWords saves so much time it is unbelievable.  It allows you to use 'your' language to describe what you want.  It allows your computer to speak 'your' language. Try it." 
Melinda Seitz - Recruiter:

"ActiveWords is indispensable"
F. Carney - Salt Lake City Utah 

"I've been using it now for over six months,
and it has truly changed my life. You have to try it!
It's free for 60 days and the tech support is incredible."

You can download this free 60 day trial from here.

You can also watch this video that "WHAT ACTIVE WORDS CAN DO FOR YOU!!"




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